We Need Your Help!

Here’s How to Get Involved:

Support Our Cause

Technology 4 All raises money to refurbish and purchase devices which will be given to underprivileged students in an effort to assist them in their studies and help them advance in society.

We also need your help to keep us running! Technology 4 All, just like any other nonprofit has explicit costs and our only source of income is through donations.

Phone: (917) 921-5496 (US Calls or WhatsApp)

Email: info@technology4all.org

Address: 9771 Chianti Classico

Ter, Boca Raton, FL 33481-0518

While we are devoted to bridging the digital divide, we need your help! Reach out and help us make a difference!

Join the Cause

Donate Technological Devices

One of the most effective ways to help bridge the digital gap and empower these young individuals is by donating technological devices. While the focus may currently be on collecting calculators for mathematics-related studies, the vision is to expand and include computer and tablet donations in the future. Donating technological devices can revolutionize education, empower individuals, and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable society.

To Inquire about donating devices, please reach out to jaydenkahn@technology4all.org